Well, you have successfully started your massage business and you have installed all the required spa & wellness furniture. As you are taking stock of all your supplies, you realize that the most important piece of your equipment – the massage table – looks dirty. You can’t ignore the dirt because your clients come in direct contact with the massage table. Thus, it is critical that you take proper care of your table and employ hygienic techniques to clean your massage table.
It is time that you understand and implement proper care as it will allow the spa & wellness furniture to remain in good condition for a much longer time. If you clean and maintain your massage tables regularly, you are less likely to buy new tables. Additionally, keeping your massage tables in good shape lets your clients know that you take pride in your equipment, your business, and their time with you.
Let us uncover everything about cleaning your spa furniture and equipment.
How Often You Should Clean the Equipment?
Cleaning your massage tables and beds is a routine task that should be accomplished properly. Without any question, it should be cleaned thoroughly once a client gets off to make it ready for the next client. Cleaning the massage table immediately after use will ensure that there is no perspiration and smudges. It will look clean and tidy always. It can also remove bacteria and contamination that isn’t immediately visible to the naked eye. When you clean your table after use will show that you care about cleanliness and also have respect for your clients.
To take an extra step, you can think of giving it an extra-thorough cleaning weekly to ensure that your massage furniture remains in premier condition. When you are cleaning your massage table, you must also give the table an inspection to make sure everything is in good shape. For example, make sure all the bolts are tightened and the table is safe and sturdy. Taking the time to thoroughly clean your entire table shall help you ensure that it is functional and attractive all the time. During the cleaning process, you should use disinfectants to get in all nooks and crannies.
While table cleaning can have a standard time-table, you need to keep in mind that it can differ depending upon how many clients you tend to every day. For example, if you are working at a high-end salon, which has great foot fall and the table doesn’t get even time to breathe, you should ensure that the table is at least cleaned well after every use. As the table is used too often, you should keep a regular weekly deep cleaning exercise to keep the table in good shape for years to come. Overall, you should make sure that you are protecting your clients by taking care of the salon equipment and keep it away from germs and infections.
While it is easier to invest in high-quality spa & wellness furniture, it is equally difficult to look after it. We believe that with intention and practice, you can achieve these cleaning objectives and ensure that your clients are always happy with your services.